Fall to Winter

Shen Ge
Nov 27, 2023


Photo by Claus Grünstäudl on Unsplash

No degree below zero,

No chill of northern wind,

No depth of snow or frost

marks the end of fall here

Yet, the war of light and dark outside

still controls the season of my soul

The crisp November air shines

in fading light through naked branches

of trees left behind by the sides of streets,

accompanied by clatter of pedestrian boots

punctuated by raucous cries of crows

and quiet sips of hot cider

For me, time seems to both slow

and accelerate

When the sun sets early,

dawn is early too.

But the light leaving,

hits harder

than the light rising.

When the light dies,

When the day dies,

Do I die in a cycle with it?

The world of death inside

— a myth turned reality

when no light shines on it.



Shen Ge

Engineer and console operator who helped America land back on the moon 2/22/2024. Enjoys code + poetry. Become a member: https://medium.com/@shenge86/membership